총 게시물 152건, 최근 0 건

[JOYFUL NOISE 2015] 아이티미션 콘서트

글쓴이 : 새빛교회 날짜 : 2015-06-04 (목) 02:13 조회 : 1209

2015 아이티 미션을 위한 Joyful Noise 2015 콘서트에 여러분을 초대합니다.

일시: 2015년 6월 20일 오후 7시
장소: 새빛교회 본 예배당

“Joyful Noise” 2010년부터 계속되고 있는 새빛교회의 아이티 단기선교의 재정후원을 위해 지난해, 2014년부터 시작된 베네핏 콘서트입니다. 올해에는 보스턴 지역의 유망한 오페라 가수들을 초청하여, 1부는 오페라 아리아, 2부는 성가곡과 흑인영가로 구성된 갈라 콘서트를 기획하고 있어, 관객들에게 친숙하고도 수준높은 음악을 선사할 예정입니다

공연하게 될 가수로는 소프라노에 몰리 크루케데이커.” “강은희,” “민정은씨와 테너에 쥴리어스 안,” “로버트 치난테,” 그리고 바리톤에 론 윌리엄스씨가 함께 합니다. 뉴욕 메트로폴리탄 오페라단을 비롯하여 미국 전역과 유럽 각지에서 활발하게 활동하고 있는 최 정상급의 오페라 가수들로서, 초청가수 전원이 무보수로 자원하여, 자신들의 시간과 재능을 기쁘게 기부하는 뜻 깊은 콘서트 입니다. 피아노 반주에는 김소연씨가, 바이올린 반주에는 백유진씨가 함께 합니다. 입장료는 무료이고, 공연 중에 자유기부 (Free-Will Offering) 시간이 있습니다. 콘서트에서 모인 기부금 전액은 올 여름 있을 새빛교회 아이티 미션에 전액 사용될 예정입니다.

This coming Saturday, June 20 at 7:00 p.m., will be the opening night of “Joyful Noise 2015”, held at New Light Korean church in Waltham.  “Joyful Noise” is a benefit concert held in support of Haiti, but specifically geared to help fund the New Light Korean Church, short-term mission team that goes every summer to give what they can to Haiti.  Even before the disastrous earthquake hit in 2010, Haiti was the poorest nation in the western hemisphere. However, post-2010, Haiti is in even greater need of outside aid than ever before.  While monetary and humanitarian aid is always helpful, the vision of Shine Your Light in Haiti” (the short-term mission) is to establish and support a specific local church ministry.  Our prayer is that its growth will have a positive impact on its immediate community.  By focusing on this greater vision, the locals will not grow to be dependent on outside aid, but rather be equipped to raise up its own nation from within.  The result will be a body based on the Christian principles of love and sacrifice, whose main mission is to bring about positive change through the love of Christ.

While New Light has been going to Haiti since the summer of 2009, this will be the second year of the “Joyful Noise” concerts.  A merging of a passion for music with a heart for Haiti led to this annual production.  New Light Korean Church invites everyone to come and enjoy a wonderful evening of music in opera and song, featuring favorites by Mozart, Puccini, and Verdi, as well as hymns and spirituals.  “Joyful Noise 2015” will take place at New Light Korean Church, located at 730 Main Street, in Waltham.  A free-will offering will be taken to help support its upcoming short-term mission trip to Haiti.

This event features some of the best and brightest talents in New England: sopranos Molly Crookedacre, Eunhee Kang, Jung Eun Min; tenors Julius Ahn and Robert Cinnante; and, baritone Ron Williams.  Every performer will be donating their time and talents for this concert and the mission.  There will also be an appearance by Eugene Baek who will perform the violin solo in Méditation from THAÏS by Massenet.  The pianist for this program will be Soyoun Kim Park.  There will be only one performance of this program.  Please plan to arrive early, as seating is unreserved.  Come join New Light Korean Church as they embark in their mission to serve Haiti, and embrace the beauty of the classics in the process!